A Good Day of Apple Picking Helps Reach 1000lbs of Fruit!

After a busy day of picking some more gorgeous Goodland apples, Fruit Share passed a major milestone of 1000lbs of fruit. That’s a lot of fruit! Thanks everyone!
Yesterday, Aidan felt more comfortable climbing the tree rather than the ladder. He swears by his new found technique and claims he picked the best apples from his vantage point. Meanwhile, Melanie, who decided climbing ladders or trees wasn’t her thing, was busy snapping these photos.
After we picked as many apples as we possibly could, we shook the the last few remaining branches. But this time, we held out a blanky to catch them all. Well, we didn’t catch them all, but we were able to save quite a few from the “bruised box”.
Linda, Janet and Scott went on to pick at yet another location -an even bigger tree with even more apples.
Everyone walked away with several big boxes of apples and today Teen Challenge, Agape Table and Janet’s church will get their share too.
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