This was the first batch, in which the oats were the base and the chocolatey applesauce went on top. They look cute with an oaty base, but they hold together much better when the oats are mixed into the applesauce!
- ½ cup applesauce
- ½ cup oats
- 2 tbsp cocoa powder
- 2 tbsp honey
- ½ tsp cinnamon
Combine all ingredients into a bowl. Drop by spoonfuls onto the dehydrator tray and dehydrate for about 10 hours, flipping partway through. Makes 6 – 8 cookies.
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Ha Ha ! I love chocolate apple sauce cookies
Would you like to pick my apple tree?
Hi Lorraine,
I sent you an email yesterday with the info for registering your fruit tree – not sure if you got it. But here’s the link in case you need it:
- Sagan.
What if you don’t have a dehydrator? Temp? Time for oven?
You can try having a really low temperature on the oven (I think the lowest it gets is about 175 degrees?), and I would say check them after an hour to see how they’re doing to gauge how long they might take.