Archive for October, 2011

Sharing the Fruit

A very important part of Fruit Share is making sure that as many people as possible benefit from the fruit (and vegetables!) that we harvest. This year, we donated fruit to 19 Winnipeg-based organizations:

Action Margeurite St. Vital
Agape Table
Behavioral Health Foundation
Ecole Henri Bergeron
Fisher Bay Bible Camp
Forward House
Fred Tipping Place
Lions Personal Care Centre
Main Street Mission
Mother Therese
North End Food Security Network
Oak Table
Resource Assistance for Youth (RAY)
Salvation Army
Siloam Mission
Sisters of Charity Soup Kitchen
Union Gospel Mission
Westgrove Children’s Centre
Winnipeg Harvest

The above are a list of the official organizations we donated to - but we also shared the fruit among friends, family and neighbours who would not otherwise have had access to fresh, local and (mostly) organic produce. It was a pleasure to share fruit with everyone!

Pumpkin Pickles recipe

It turns out that you can pickle just about anything – including pumpkin! Thanks to Mary Jane’s Cooking School for this recipe.

Just imagine how many jars of pickles you could make with all those pumpkins!

Pumpkin Pickles

2 cups vinegar

2 cups sugar

1 cup water

1 tablespoon pickling spice*

Pumpkin peeled and cut into cubes, about 6 to 8 cups.

Cook syrup for 15 minutes with pickling spice tied in cheese cloth.  Add enough pumpkin for syrup to cover.  Cook until pumpkin is glazed.  Fill in hot sterilized jars with pumpkin and pour boiling syrup over pickles and seal.  Process in a hot water bath for 10 minutes.

*can use your favorite spices, such as cinnamon, cloves and whole allspice

Grand Finale in photos

The celebration began with a fun cider press building workshop, led by Fruit Share volunteer Darby Jones.

Everyone really enjoyed building their own cider presses to take home. And they looked great!

Between the cider press workshop and the potluck, everyone had the opportunity to give input on a book which will be released in the spring (all about prairie/backyard fruit!) – written by our very own Getty Stewart.

We even got a sneak preview of pages of the book!

The sneak peek of the book was accompanied by a Fruit Share presentation area.

The book will feature all kinds of things regarding backyard prairie fruit, as described here.

And of course, we had to thank our sponsors and partners

We also sectioned off an area for our own lovely marketing materials.

The recipe swap station was located right beside the buffet. The food looked so delicious, however, that we forgot to photograph it! But it was every bit as good as it looked.

After we had all filled our bellies, I gave a little presentation to demonstrate how everyone's contributions led to an incredibly successful harvesting season. All in all, our Grand Finale was a great time!

A successful harvesting season

Thank you very much to everyone who came out to Fruit Share’s 2011 Grand Finale yesterday afternoon – we had a lot of fun building cider presses, enjoying a tasty potluck and getting to know other volunteer fruit pickers.

We also made an exciting announcement yesterday: not only did we succeed in meeting our goal of rescuing 7,000 lbs of fruit, we actually surpassed that goal! In fact, the grand total of all of our harvests this year resulted in…

7,386 lbs of fruit!

Thank you everyone so much for your participation and contributions – we couldn’t have done any of this without your support and your willingness to take part in rescuing fruit and distributing it to others in the community. Congratulations on a very successful year!

Fruits and vegetables

Don’t forget about the end-of-year wind-up potluck celebration tomorrow afternoon! RSVP if you are interested in attending. Click here for more information about our Grand Finale.

This year we rescued an immense amount of fruit and vegetables, to our great delight! Here are some of the delicious items that homeowners were willing to share with us:

  • Apples
  • Crab apples
  • Pears
  • Rhubarb
  • Cherries
  • Currants
  • Apricots
  • Plums
  • Grapes
  • Watermelon
  • Bok choy
  • Tomatoes
  • Eggplants
  • Pumpkins
  • Peppers
  • Mint
  • Eggplant

Apple Ginger Chutney

Chutney with a kick! This recipe make seven half-pint (250 ml) jars.

3 cups prepared Granny Smith apples, (5 large or 1 lb)*

1 red bell pepper seeded & chopped

2 cups chopped onion

2 cups dark brown sugar

1 ½ cups cider vinegar

1 cup golden raisins

¼ cup peeled, minced ginger root

¾ teaspoon dry mustard

¾ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon dried red pepper flakes

  • Peel, core and coarsely chop apples.  Measure 3 cups
  • Combine apples, pepper, onion, sugar, vinegar, raisins, ginger root, mustard, salt and red pepper flakes in a large stainless steel or enamel saucepan.  Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.  Boil gently, stirring occasionally, 40 minutes.
  • Fill boiling water canner with water.  Place 7 clean half-pint mason jars in canner over high heat.
  • Place Snap Lids in boiling water; boil 5 minutes to soften sealing compound.
  • Ladle chutney into hot jar to within ½ inch of top rim (head space). Remove air bubbles by sliding a rubber spatula between glass and food; readjust head space to ½ inch.  Wipe jar rim removing any stickiness.  Center Snap Lid on jar; apply screw band just until fingertip tight.  Place jar in canner.  Repeat for remaining chutney.
  • Cover canner; return water to a boil; process 10 minutes at altitudes up to 1,000 ft. Remove jars.  Cool 24 hours. Check jar seal. Sealed lids curve downward. 

Recipe courtesy of Mary Jane’s Cooking School.

End-of-year wind-up event

Our wind-up event is less than a week away, on Sunday, October 23! Come to the Riverview Community Centre (90 Ashland Avenue) at 4pm for a potluck celebration. Bring any dish you like to share with fellow Fruit Sharers and have fun with your friends! You can also watch the completion of the cider press workshop.

The “feast” will begin at 5pm, with a short presentation about Fruit Share and the Guide to Backyard Fruit taking place at 6pm.

We would also love to be able to share and swap recipes – be sure to bring any recipes using fresh local fruit you’ve picked this summer to share with other Fruit Sharers!

Click here for more information.


Fruit Share featured in The Uniter

Please check out last week’s issue of The Uniter (Winnipeg’s downtown urban journal) for a story about Fruit Share!

Photo credit: Liz Shearer

It turns out you can share your fruit and eat it too.

Founded last year as a pilot project in south Osborne, Fruit Share is an organization whose aim is to connect volunteers with homeowners in order to salvage perfectly good fruit that would otherwise go to waste.

Click here to read the rest of the article.

Build your own cider press!

Date: Sunday, October 3

Time: 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Place: Riverview Community Centre (90 Ashland Avenue) in South Osborne

The Event: Build-your-own-cider-press workshop!

When we made apple cider in August this year, the response from volunteers was overwhelming – people were clamouring for their share of fresh, local apple cider! Because everyone was so eager to have a few jugs of cider, we thought it would be great if those who are especially enthusiastic could learn how to make their very own cider press to keep for themselves. It’s the perfect piece of equipment to have for next year’s harvest.

Facilitated by Fruit Share volunteer Darby Jones, this workshop will allow each participant to build their own cider press to take home. All materials will be provided. Check out Darby’s experience at building a cider press at this video: Cider Press in Action (there are three more videos in the left-hand sidebar on YouTube, under the name arbydar).

The cost for participating in this workshop is $100 per cider press, or $75 if you are willing to share your press with others and with Fruit Share on special occasions.

Please bring the exact amount in cash or cheque to the workshop.

Please RSVP by Monday, October 17 by emailing or dialing 272-8520 if you would like to register for the workshop.

Pumpkin butter recipe

Last week, Mary Jane facilitated a pumpkin workshop for Fruit Share! In case you missed it, here is one of the recipes that was featured.


Great on toast, pancakes, muffins and loaves


4 lbs pumpkin cut into chunks

2 cups granulated sugar

4 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice or to taste*

1 tablespoon grated orange zest

Cinnamon stick, optional

Remove peel, seeds and pith of pumpkin and cut into chunks.  Place pumpkin in large pot and cook gently until pumpkin is tender and mushy, stirring often to avoid scorching.  Add sugar and orange zest and continue cooking until pumpkin is thick and smooth.  Add lemon juice to taste.  Remove cinnamon stick.  Transfer puree into sturdy plastic containers.  Cover with lid and label (name and date).  When cool, store in freezer. Makes 4 half pints or 2 pints.

Fruit Share’s 2011 Grand Finale

Come one, come all, to Fruit Share’s 2011 Grand Finale!

Click here to view the poster and find out more.

Apple leather recipe

1 ½ lbs tart apples, peeled, cored and cut up
¼ cup water

2 cups prepared apple puree
1-4 tablespoons honey or granulated sugar
¼ teaspoon cinnamon

1 ) Cook apples in water until barely tender. Drain. Process in blender until smooth.

2) Place puree in bowl. Add honey and cinnamon to taste. Stir well.

3) Line a 10 x 15 –inch (25 x 38 cm) jelly roll pan with plastic wrap, using 2 sheets crosswise fashion so as to have plenty of overhang. Spread puree mixture over plastic.

4) Dry in 150 F (65 C) oven overnight, or for 8 to 10 hours during the day, until dry and leathery. It will be stiff
enough to pull off the plastic wrap. May be turned to dry the other side a bit. It should be pliable and stretch a bit as it is torn.

5) To store, leave each sheet of leather on the plastic wrap on which it was dried and roll it up tucking in sides of wrap. Overwrap each roll for further protection against moisture. Refrigerate up to 2 months. Freeze for long-term storage.

Makes 1 pan.

Recipe courtesy of Mary Jane’s Cooking School.

Cheque presentation at the Food Matters MB AGM

Last week, we were proud to attend the Food Matters Manitoba AGM. It was a fantastic time of learning all about the wonderful projects that Food Matters MB is involved with. Fruit Share was also presented a cheque from the Winnipeg Foundation. We can’t thank them enough for their support!

Fruit Share Coordinator Sagan Morrow looks on as the Winnipeg Foundation's Megan Tate (far right) presents Fruit Share's founder Getty Stewart with a cheque.

The AGM continued with a tour of Beemaid Honey and Half Pints Brewery. The samples at both locations were delicious

We were also delighted to become signatories of the Manitoba Food Charter, and we strongly encourage others to sign the Food Charter as well.

Fruit Share is announced as a signatory of the Manitoba Food Charter.

Thank you, Food Matters MB and the Winnipeg Foundation for your continued support to Fruit Share!

Apple Butter recipe

Thank you so much to Mary Jane of Mary Jane’s Cooking School for facilitating a great workshop on Friday evening – we learned how to make and can apple butter, and how to make apple leather in the oven!

Here’s the recipe for delicious apple butter:





4 lbs tart apples, quartered

2 cups granulated sugar

3 tablespoons lemon juice*

1 teaspoon cinnamon or to taste

Remove stems and blossom ends from apples before cutting into quarters.  Place in large pot including seeds, core and peeling.  Add sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon.  Stir.  Let stand until apples release some juice. Cover.  Heat slowly.  Bring to a boil.  Cook gently, uncovered stirring often, until apples are tender.

Press through a food mill.  Turn pulp into a small enamel roaster.  Bake uncovered in 425 F (160 C) oven stirring every 30 minutes, until thick about 2 to 2 ½ hours.  To test for doneness, cool a teaspoon on a chilled saucer.  It should stay smooth. 

This may also be cooked in a large pot on top of the stove stirring often.  Pour into hot sterilized half pint jars to within ¼ inch from the top.  Place sterilized metal lids on jars and screw metal bands on securely.  For added assurance against spoilage, you may choose to process for 5 minutes in a boiling water bath.  Makes 4 half pints or 2 pints.

Enjoy apple butter on loaves and pancakes!

*fresh or bottled lemon juice can be used but fresh has better flavour and has no additives