Volunteer Interview – Sagan Morrow

Sagan Morrow is a professional freelance editor and writer. She has been part of Fruit Share since she became its inaugural summer harvest coordinator in 2011 – before she had ever been on a pick! At the time, she was looking for work in project management for a non-profit, community-based group.

After her summer as coordinator, Sagan joined the Fruit Share Advisory Committee and was instrumental in those first years of growth. Time constraints forced her to step away for a couple of years, but now she is back as our Blog Manager.

sagan morrow

Sagan has many different reasons to love Fruit Share. She says it is an amazing organization – “the whole concept is just genius.” Saving fruit, sharing it, and making sure it doesn’t go to waste and is well-used by people who really want it and need it are all fundamental to the concept of Fruit Share.

But Sagan sees deeper layers to Fruit Share, although it seems such a simple idea. She says, “The fruit is great; I love the fruit, but it is really the organization and the people keeping me around.” It is amazing to her to see how much it has grown in her absence. It shows how much people care about community and about fruit. It’s wonderful that Fruit Share is completely run by volunteers, and she finds it incredible that Getty was able to get it off the ground.

Sagan says, “It just makes me happy to be involved in Fruit Share. People enjoy the fruit and eating pies and such, but there is so much more to it than that. The friends you make, and how much you learn about Winnipeg and about cities in general. Before I joined Fruit Share I had no idea how much fruit is growing in the city, and the different types of fruit you can grow in this province. It’s really interesting to be able to learn all of that, about what grows in people’s backyards.”

As a member of Fruit Share’s Advisory Committee, how does Sagan see the future? She says there are many different opportunities and possible directions for Fruit Share to grow and keep on going, depending on the volunteers. As it becomes better established, she can see it going on and on very organically as we move forwards.

Do you know an exceptional Fruit Share volunteer whom we should profile here on the blog? Let us know!