How to Complete Harvest Feedback

If you’re reading this, you’ve likely completed a pick. Whoo Hoo! Thanks for rescuing and sharing fruit! We hope you had a great experience and would like to hear about it.

On the day of the pick or the first day of the flexible pick dates, the Pick Information Form on Fruit Connect will add these two questions at the bottom of the form.

  • How much fruit did you harvest?
  • With whom did you share it?

To get there, log in to Fruit Connect, go to the pick in question and voila, these two questions will be waiting for you.

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Fill in the blanks and hit Submit Feedback.

How Many Pounds of Fruit?

Don’t stress out about the exact number of pounds, give us your best estimate of the entire amount of fruit harvested (before it was split). Here are some general guidelines.

A shopping bag full of apples = about 15 lbs
A green shopping bin full of apples = about 30 lbs
A commercial box of apples = about 40-50 lbs

5-8 stems of rhubarb = 1 lb

An average Halloween pumpkin weighs 5-10 lbs

2 1/2 cups of grapes or cherries = 1 lb

Have Photos or More Info to Share

If you have photos to share of the pick, your fruit or your favorite recipe please send it to us, we’d love to add it to our collection. Or, if you’d like to tell us more about your experience, please email us at [email protected].