How to List Fruit for Picking

Looking for a way to get your fruit picked? Here’s a quick overview followed by step by step instructions for how to list fruit with Fruit Share.

Based on our experience, here are our best tips for creating a successful pick.

  1. Post picks in a timely manner.  Judge the ripeness of your fruit and try to post picks a week in advance of the optimal pick time.
  2. Provide honest, detailed descriptions. The more information you can provide about your fruit the better. For example, even if you don’t know the variety tell potential pickers as much as you can about the color, size, ripeness, flavor, quality, use (juicing, eating or baking), etc. of your fruit and how much fruit is available and how easy or difficult it is to get at (eg. fruit is at the top of a tree higher than the garage).
  3. Communicate with pickers & build rapport. Email attendees and start a group conversation with all pickers, even if they’re coming on different days. The more rapport you build with pickers, the more successful the pick will be.
  4. Choose pick times convenient for pickers. Most pickers have day jobs, so think about scheduling picks early weekday evenings or on the weekends. Or consider setting up a flexible pick where pickers can contact you to arrange a convenient picking time.
  5. Promote your pick & Fruit Connect. Use your social media or your connections to let people know you’ve posted your fruit on Fruit Connect. The more people who are talking about it, the more potential pickers will see your posting.

Want More Details?

Here’s a Step by Step Guide for How to List Your Fruit to get it picked.

Step 1

Sign up to Fruit Connect.

sign up to Fruit Connect

Step 2

Subscribe for unlimited access. This lets you post or pick as often as you’d like.

subscribe for unlimited access

Step 3

About a week before your fruit is ripe and ready to harvest, Complete the Create a Pick form.
Hit the blue Create a Pick button on the left side of main page showing the picks.

create a pick

Step 4

Provide as much information about your fruit and location as possible. This is your chance to promote your fruit and encourage pickers to choose your fruit. Always be honest with pickers about what they can expect.

create a pick info 1detailed create a pick

Click for more information about Flexible Picks.

Step 5 – Good Communication is Key!

Check your email for No Reply messages from Fruit Connect. You’ll receive messages when there is any action related to your pick.

When someone does sign up for your pick, it’s a good idea to email them (attendee emails can be seen towards the bottom of the pick information). Say hello and answer any questions they may have. Repeat this process with any other attendees that sign up. You may even want to send a group email, so everyone has clear expectations about what will happen. Talk about:

  • who’s picking how much at what time
  • what to do with dropped fruit and compost
  • who will bring what equipment
  • how fruit is going to be shared – do you want 1/3 of the fruit, will each picker share 1/3 of their harvest or will one person take the shared portion
  • who will complete the harvest feedback on the Fruit Connect App

Step 6

The day before your pick, you will receive a reminder from Fruit Connect. If you haven’t done so, now is definitely a good time to email all pickers, confirm details or to let them know of any changes (eg. a big wind storm knocked down half the apples, there’s a wasp nest, etc.).

Step 7

On the day of the pick make sure your yard is safe and ready for pickers. If you’re around, say a friendly hello but know you under no obligation to help pick the fruit.

If you don’t want to list your fruit, here are some other options for getting your fruit harvested. Happy harvesting!