Our facilitator, Betty Kehler, drove all the way from Teulon to make and can applesauce with us last week at Fruit Share's second free workshop of 2011.With our ingredients ready, we were all set to begin chopping, coring and peeling.Some of us raced to see who could core an apple the fastest - can you guess who won that competition?Most of the attendees at the workshop hadn't made applesauce and/or canned before, so it was a fun learning experience!Some of the apples were tiny - but no matter the size, any kind of apple is great in applesauce.We filled two large canners with apples - one with the peels still on, and the other with the peels removed.While we waited for our apples to turn into applesauce on the stove, we hung out in the Riverview Community Centre kitchen. It was so nice to put a face to the names of some of Fruit Share's volunteers.The apples really started heating up......and, of course, we all had to taste-test to see how much cinnamon and honey we wanted to add!When the applesauce was ready, we took turns scooping it into canning jars.The two canners filled up a lot of jars - we were each able to take home several jars to enjoy at a later date.Some volunteers packed extra applesauce into a container to have for a snack later rather than canning it.We used 250 ml jars to hold all of the applesauce.The chunky applesauce was delicious!Thank you to the Riverview Community Centre, the CLER program, our facilitator and volunteers for all making this workshop happen! We look forward to our next fruit preserving workshop.